Long Point in December

The year has rapidly come to a close. But not without a few tidbits to round out our birding experiences for 2014. So I’ll do a quick recap before joining everyone else in 2015! We decided to check out the Sandhill Cranes at Long Point again in early December. The timing was right because there were hundreds of them making a ruckus in the corn fields there. Honestly I could plunk myself down and watch them for hours!


It was awfully muddy in the cornfields. The birds were lifting their legs high as they moved, to try to shake some of the mud off their feet. They weren’t too successful, as you can see from their feet in flight!


And we were being watched as we watched the Sandhill Cranes by this handsome fellow.


Last year we saw hundreds of Tundra Swans in the fields with the Sandhill Cranes but not this year. However the were a much smaller number of them in the water along the shore near Port Rowan with the Canada Geese.
